
42% of startups fail because they are not building with a target market fit, and 29% because of inadequate scoping and planning.

Before you build you need to understand exactly what you are building, and who you are building for.

At Archit3ct we can help you understand your audience, how your idea can help them, and architect the ideal solution in detail, so you know how to move the project forward.


Building an incredible product or service is a challenging process. Archit3ct can support your team, helping them to understand their roles in the bigger scope, and keep timelines on track so you get the result when you need it.


“Build it and they will come” is a lie.
Without effective communication on why your product matters to them, no-one will care.
Archit3ct will help you communicate the right message to the right audience, at the right time. From VCs and pitch decks, to developers and technical docs, we’ve the experience to help you talk to them for results.

Who we are…

Archit3ct was founded by Dan Thomas, who acts as Senior Consultant.

With over 20 years working in tech, and over 5 in blockchain/web3, he holds multiple certificates in areas such as solutions architecture, and technology ethics, and is an internationally recognised expert in multiple technology fields.

Previous Clients Include…

– Instalabs
– IOM Gov
– Moni Talks
– Bitjoin Studios
– Nexus Digital
– Maverick Games
– Dragon Gateway
– Unlimited Network

– Spool DAO
– CoinPayments
– The Fakefluencer
– Rowan Energy
– Allianceblock
– Pollen DeFi
– Dragon Gateway

+ multiple clients under long-term NDA.